One of the world’s three largest airport operators, Aéroports de Paris manages 37 airports either directly or indirectly, and in 2014 welcomed more than 230 million passengers. Internationally, our growth is both ambitious and disciplined, and we aim to be an integrated leader in airport design, construction and operation. UNLOCKING OUR EXPERTISE Aéroports de Paris optimises and exports the expertise of its employees through its subsidiaries, including ADP Ingénierie (ADPI) and Aéroports de Paris Management. BOOSTING OUR GROWTH Since 2012, we have been the core shareholder in TAV Airports, Turkey’s leading airport management company, and in TAV Construction, which became the world’s largest airport construction company in 2014(1), holding 38% and 49% of their share capital, respectively. TEAMING UP TO MOVE AHEAD In 2008, Aéroports de Paris entered into an industrial alliance with Schiphol Group, which manages the Amsterdam (Netherlands) airport, with cross shareholdings of 8%. Areas of cooperation cover innovation, procurement, human resources, sales & marketing, real estate and international activities. The alliance with Schiphol Group was expanded in 2011, without any ownership ties, to include Incheon International Airport in South Korea, ranked among the best in the world for its quality of service.
(1) Source: Engineering News Record (ENR), 2014 ranking.
ADPI HAS PROJECTS ON FIVE CONTINENTS ADPI is a world leader in airport design. It advises, as a project manager or as a prime contractor, and can support a project from design to delivery. ADPI is very active in the Middle East and is managing projects and studies in Oman, in Qatar(1), and in Dubai, where it is taking part in the development of the Al Maktoum International Airport (AMIA). In 2014, ADPI won a contract to design and supervise the construction of a new terminal for Bahrain Airport. In Asia, ADPI won an international competition to design Terminal 1 of the new BeijingDaxing (3) Airport and is continuing to carry out assignments in Chongqing, Haikou, Taiwan and the Philippines. New contracts have also been signed, including one to optimise the extension of Shanghai Airport and another to design the Taipei (Taiwan) control tower. In Africa, ADPI will direct the Addis-Ababa (4) and Dar es Salaam airport extension programmes in Ethiopia and Tanzania, respectively. ADPI will also supervise the runway work at Nairobi (Kenya) Airport, Africa’s principal hub, and will design the new control tower in Mauritius. In Latin America, ADPI is overseeing the extension of Tocumen Airport in Panama and has been retained to revise the master plans of the 13 Mexican airports managed by OMA (2).
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