•Located 25 km north of Paris
• 314 aircraft parking stands, including 149 contact stands
• 2 pairs of parallel runways to be used independently and adapted to accommodate wide-bodied aircraft
• 30.6% connecting passengers
•13th-largest airport in the European Union
•150 cities served in 2014
•The airport provides nearly 30,000 direct jobs and is an integral part of an economic zone with over 170,000 employees
•Just 7km north of Paris
•The largest business airport in Europe
•15 specialised airlines
•54,507 aircraft movements in 2014
* €0.34 min (including taxes) from any landline in mainland France, operator's surcharge not included
Aéroports de Paris
291, boulevard Raspail
75675 Paris Cedex 14
Tel +33(0)1 43 35 70 00